Ten-year follow-up of SpA-related oligoarthritis involving the knee: the presence of psoriasis but not HLA-B27 or baseline MRI bone oedema predicts outcome

Bennett AN, Marzo-Ortega H, Tan AL, Hensor EM, Green M, Emery P, McGonagle D; Rheumatology (Feb 2012)

Source: Rheumatology







Successful treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis with the PEGylated Fab' certolizumab pegol: results of a phase II randomised, placebo-controlled trial with a re-treatment extension

Reich K, Ortonne JP, Gottlieb AB, Terpstra IJ, Coteur G, Tasset C, Mease P; British Journal of Dermatology (Mar 2012)

Source: Br J Dermatol



certolizumab pegol




Speech of Dr. Omar Bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh for "The 13th International Pan Arab League of Dermatology Conference"



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Omar bin Abdul Aziz Al Sheikh, MD


Speech of Dr. Omar Bin Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh for "The 13th International Pan Arab League of Dermatology Conference" which will be held at King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Center, Dead Sea- Jordan on February 21-24, 2013

Dermatology in the Arab region is as old as history. We, as dermatologists, in our countries, have a great & historic responsibility towards the development and advancement of this specialization. Fortunately, many of our universities in the Arab world had undertaken the arduous task of training our medical staff, graduates and doctors to the highest levels. Additionally, more disciplines of dermatology and dermatologic surgery had enormously evolved to international standards. These advances gave our doctors Prestige and earned them the highest regard, socially.




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