Main Entrance of The CenterTheatre of Dermatologic Surgery UnitOut-Patients UnitDermatopathology Unit




About Us   نبذة عن المركز

As'ad Al-Hamad Dermatology  Center is a  main governmental dermatology center in Kuwait donated by a Kuwaiti citizen (Mr. Khaled Al-Hamad,RIP). The old department known as Department of Dermatology, Al-Sabah Hospital has moved to the new center that was officially opened in September 30th 1996. The center offers skin care services through outpatient clinics to the catchments area of Sabah Medical section, and offers specialized health services, whether diagnostic or therapeutic, to all patients in Kuwait wherever these specialized services are not available.


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Our location on Google Map

 We are located in The Sabah Medical Specialities Health Area. Our building "As'ad Al-Hamad Dermatology Center" is just behind the Chest and Cardiology Hospital. Although we are affiliated to Sabah Hoospital yet the building is not in The Sabah Hospital Campus. To find out how to reach us please click on this link.. For our location on Google Maps Click here موقعنا






For Patients: On-line appointment booking service

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This service is available only for patients who are followed-up at the Outpatient  Clinics and are eligible for treatment at our Center according to their residence areas. Click for conditions of  use of this service. To start on-line appointment booking, click this link: On-Line Appointment Booking


For center employees:

Click this link to Manage On-Line Appointment Booking


للمرضى:  خدمة حجز موعد المراجعة عن طريق الانترنت

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تتوفر الآن خدمة حجز موعد المراجعة عن طريق الانترنت ، وهذه الخدمة مخصصة  لمرضى العيادات الخارجية فقط  والتابعة مناطق سكنهم لمركز أسعد الحمد للأمراض الجلدية ويعالجون في العيادات الخارجية ولديهم ملفات طبية في مركزنا . اضغط هنا لمعرفة شروط استعمال هذه الخدمة

اضغط الرابط التالي  لحجز موعد المراجعة 


لموظفي المركز:

 ضغط الرابط التالي  لادارة  مواعيد المراجعة 




Center Tour

Take a tour in the center through this link, view different specialty units and know the staff.

اضغط  هنا  لقراءة جميع أعداد النشرة الصحية لمركز أسعد الحمد للأمراض الجلدية


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Center Staff Area

To login to your account click here

Not a member yet? Contact the Administration Secretary for a user name and a password.


� Designed, programmed and maintained by Dr. Qasem A. Alsaleh  Consultant Dermatologist, Asad Al-Hamad Dermatology Center